By Geordielad50
Northumberland / tyneside,
United Kingdom
Hi all, I am starting to prepare to overwinter Fuchsias.
I seem to remember someone did a blog for overwintering and using tube lighting on racking in there garage/shed. Any ideas wold br gratefully recieved.
29 Sep, 2012
thanks Bloomer, nearly there now. Just the hardys in pots to do. Will wrap and keep in cold frame.
7 Oct, 2012
Just in time Geordie..if it's been the samw weather as ours here..we have had a couple of really cold nights and frost..but glorious sunny days...I have put some of mine out again during the day..still lots of flowers on yet..:o)
8 Oct, 2012
Previous question
I don't think light levels are as important in winter, they will die back anyway..light from a shed window is enough for mine..I wrap the pot in fleece or bubble wrap,with double fleece over the top,supported by canes..and keep checking to remove any dead leaves ,as they will rot and infect the soil..I keep them just damp..Some Fuchsias are potted up,and brought inside in a cold conservatory,but the rest have to go elswhere..
30 Sep, 2012