By Rabbitman
notts yorkshire almost,
United Kingdom
explain how you use bamboo as a water clarifier for ponds ?????????????/?/
19 Jul, 2009
It is usually wheat or barley straw in bundle that is used to keep a pond clear - never heard of using bamboo tohugh
19 Jul, 2009
Yes barley straw! I thought question meant how do you filter the pond water to keep it clean!
19 Jul, 2009
Rabbitman, which question were you actually asking? 'Cause B has some knowledge of filtration of grey water using reeds etc. Otehrwise it is the good old bundle of barley straw to keep your pond clear
20 Jul, 2009
okay it was just something somebody said about bamboo i though it a little strange as i know about reed filtration i actually use a reed bed as a final filter for my pond .
22 Jul, 2009
It tends to be reeds and types of grasses.
But i only know a little about the actual filtration of grey water rather thanfiltration in ponds of pond water!
Googles best bet, pond reed filtration
or something like that
19 Jul, 2009