help with my grapes please?
By Lovegreen
United States
I bought a grape plant at walgreens of all places just for fun and i kept it in the front hall during the winter and to my surprise in the window sunlight it started budding sometime in april and nownlast year the first year i had it it grew one bunch of grapes so little but oh so sweetand i was wondering if i should cut back the 30 or so new vines that have grown abuntantly to help it produce fruit and how many bunches should i expect this year as there are no signs of any bunches and it mid way though july and what are some real signs of grapes coming?
19 Jul, 2009
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no it didnt flower but it didnt flower last yesr the vine just bunch started growing early august with what i guess you could call tiny flower buds but it never bloomed
20 Jul, 2009
Lovegreen, sorry blooming does not necessarily mean big flowers. This is what a grapevine looks like in flower I would have expected them to have flowered by now and for the grapes to have started to form
20 Jul, 2009
wow! well I certainly didnt see anything like this anytime this year yet. now living in the US do you think I might get something with 2 months of hot weather leftor I gues that depends on if it flowers! oh well there always next year
20 Jul, 2009
If the vine has not flowered yet I think it is unlikely that it is going to do so
20 Jul, 2009
Our grape flowers very early as it produces the leaves you can see the flowers. If indoors should be in a greenhouse and take it right back at the end of the season. Our grape is outside but sheltered under a canopy. It produces lots of bunches of grapes. The starlings like them as well as us. Grapes are not house plants really.
22 Jul, 2009
well my grape is now sitting on the patio of a second floor apartment since early may aroung mothers day so no frost and it sits in the front hallway during the winter from late october with mulch on top of soil beside a window until early april when i will put it right in front of the closed window then in may out it goes again so i wouldnt exactly call it a houseplant but i still don't know why i didn't get buds
22 Jul, 2009
How long have you had the vine in the pot, how big is said pot and have you been over feeding? Vines actually like a lean soil mix.
23 Jul, 2009
when i first bought it i put it in a 12 in. pot then when i started seeing buds on the original peice of wood i transfered it to a 24 in pot and then the new growth took off i have been feeding it once a week with a fruit and veg food but we have been getting a lot of rain so sometimes it goes without because i dont want to water on top of the rain. it has good drainage as i said the vines and leaves are a good healthy green but no graprd i'm gonna see if i can put a picture on
23 Jul, 2009
I suspect you are always going to have a problem trying to grow a grape vine in a pot no matter how big. Growing in the ground they put down a longish tap root to access water , do not get any feed at all and are pruned to keep control of size. By its very nature a vine will keep producing more and more stems and leaves and needs controlling. The flowers would have formed prior to May and if they don't get pollinated... no grapes. Vines can withstand frost when in the ground but not in a pot.
24 Jul, 2009
24 Jul, 2009
Sorry I can't be more helpful Lovegreen
24 Jul, 2009
it's alright I was wondering though the reason I don't want to put the grape or any other veggies in the ground around my place is because of so many stray animals peeing and deficating in the yard so often I don't think it would be good plus the people next door tend to throw out there mop water and cooking grase over to our side of the fence but I could never catch them so I can't really say but with only one neighbor upstairs who hates the same thing I dont know who else it could be that why I', trying everything in pots unitl I can get a place of my own and then I'll be in gardeners heaven
24 Jul, 2009
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Did it flower in spring - if not no grapes this year
20 Jul, 2009