I am trying to identify my laburnum, can you help?
By Dds
United Kingdom
Two unusual features seem to be firstly that it only flowers in July and secondly as soon as the flowers arrive pigeons strip the tree bare - can you help?
On plant

20 Jul, 2009
thank you for your response, it is not Koelreuteria paniculata, I have uploaded a picture of the leaves and pods, I have 3 more pictures can I upload more than one?
20 Jul, 2009
Well that defo looks like Laburnam, doesn't it. And no, you can't put more than one pic with a question - you can put them in your gallery and direct people there though. But if you've got seedpods now, surely it flowered a while back?
20 Jul, 2009
Could it be Cytisus battandieri?
20 Jul, 2009
Now there's a thought, Fractal - except its overall appearance and growth habit is not like Laburnam. More pics please - can we have one of the plant as a whole?
21 Jul, 2009
Are you sure it's a Laburnam? As far as I'm aware, there is no variety that flowers in July, and certainly not one that the birds, pigeons or otherwise, would eat. Any chance of a picture? Only thing I can think of that's similar, and flowers now, is Koelreuteria paniculata - google it, tell me what you think. The one noticeable difference is that it holds its flowers upright in a cluster, not dangling down.
20 Jul, 2009