Is it possible to Identify which Hebe this is?
By Tobo344
United Kingdom
It is a large mature Bush some 5ft tall, growing in the back garden of our flat in Harrow Middlesex,

21 Jul, 2009
I think H. 'Purple Queen' has bronze/purple tinges to the foliage too?
The trouble with these is that there are so many varieties now (literally hundreds!) and they all grade ever so slightly into each other.
In Holland, the Dutch grow these en-mass and they are shipped over here in their droves. Their names can be different for the same variety over here. No one seems to care any more and with Hebe's, it really is now becoming ever so difficult to establish which exact cultivar you have.
You could copy and paste the link below from the Hebe society into your browser and look through their A-Z images.
Hope this helps.
22 Jul, 2009
Just had a look myself and the closest leaf shape and flower colour is possibly Hebe 'Andersonii'. As I say, seedlings can appear at any time anywhere. A garden I help in has the odd seedling popping up now and again and if left to grow.....
22 Jul, 2009
Hebe 'Purple Queen'?
21 Jul, 2009