What weedkiller should I use?
By J1ckh2nry
United Kingdom
I cleared some tree stumps from the garden leaving a large bare patch of soil which is now covered in weeds - brambles, dandelions etc. I want to sow the area over next spring with grass, some plants and perhaps even vegetables and so have started to dig the weeds out. However, I want to prevent new ones coming through straight away. Is there a weedkiller that will not harm grass seed and is safe to use if I intend to grow veggies on that site next spring. Any ideas?
21 Jul, 2009
Yep, I'd weed it now and then put thick black plastic on the area - make sure it's anchored down well.
21 Jul, 2009
Doesn't even need to be black plastic, old carpet, layers of cardboard anything that stops the light getting to the soil to encourage germination will do.
21 Jul, 2009
If you use anything that treats the soil, rather than a systemic weedkiller that works via leaves, then the soil will be unusable for several months, I'm afraid.
I'd get the hoe out and use it whenever you see small weeds coming through - much safer. Otherwise, I've heard good things about laying black plastic sheeting on the soil, to smother weeds.
21 Jul, 2009