By Rhodea
does anone know if you can grow a moss plant indorrs in the Winter successfully? ...and is pearl wort a mossy plant?I wanted to buy one and keep it in the house.I like moss.
23 Jul, 2009
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mosses and lichens
pearlwort dies back in the autumn too. it self seeds in areas of my garden [sadly]
moss will survive but you need to keep it moist as i doesnt have a root system. it is a very primitive plant form really.
what ever you do please dont take moss plants from the wild. they are very important in the environment.
23 Jul, 2009
I just want to second what Seaburngirl said about not taking moss from the wild - this will have a damaging effect on the environment.
23 Jul, 2009
Maybe I can buy Irish moss seeds and plant it in a terrarium???
23 Jul, 2009
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I've never heard of anyone trying to grow moss indoors, would think it unlikely as they like cool damp places. Pearl wort is not a moss but an invasive weed, well so is moss in my view, see I doubt you will find one to buy anywhere
23 Jul, 2009