My Copper Beech has started to grow fruit
By Goldie1
United Kingdom
nearly twenty years old the beech has now this year produced what look like cherries, Is this normal ? As I was not aware that copper beeches bore fruit.
As requested a pic of the whole tree, a close up of the leaves, the cherries will have to wait until neighbour can reach one for me.........I am physically challenged you know ! :0)

25 Jul, 2009
they will occassionally produce beech nuts but i wouldnt call them looking like cherries though
25 Jul, 2009
25 Jul, 2009
Thanks for your replies, now you have me thinking because they definately look like Cherries and even have a stone inside I hadnt noticed them It was my neighbour who said "you've got a lot of cherries on your tree this year" ! You can Imagine his face when I said I havent got a cherry tree. :0)
I will try to get a Pix of it tomorrow.
25 Jul, 2009
its a red leaved cherry not a copper beech or maybe even a plum
25 Jul, 2009
It was bought as a copperbeech, but that answer had crossed my mind. However if it is its the tallest cherry tree I've ever seen, definitely not a plum tree.
26 Jul, 2009
we await a pix then we'll will have a better idea. Though I think NP is probably right red leaved cherry
26 Jul, 2009
Waiting for the weather to clear, tis chucking it down !
I did see a couple of cherrie's on one of the higher branches yesterday..They are the same colour as the leaves, so hope when I take a pix I can zoom in enough to distinguish them from the foliage.
26 Jul, 2009
We need a pix of whole tree, close up of leaves and of 'cherries' please
26 Jul, 2009
cherry trees can get pretty big hence the invention of the cherry picker lol
26 Jul, 2009
Duh !
I should have thought of that
Tee Hee
26 Jul, 2009
Nope not in focus enough to help
26 Jul, 2009
I have two of these trees in my garden - this year they have loads of fruit, but I have no idea what they are! I'm thinking of making jam...
26 Jul, 2009
It looks like Prunus cerasifera Nigra. It even has the usual associated shothole in the leaves.
The fruit is perfectly edible tasting a bit like Victoria Plum.
26 Jul, 2009
yum yum lol
27 Jul, 2009
Just looked this up on google as my daughter's
copper beech tree (or is it?) has also been producing
fruit like small plum or cherry. Good to know it is
edible as we can pick (or more likely when they fall) to
make pies. Look forward with interest to seeing further
1 Jul, 2011
If your daughter's tree is producing cherry type fruits then it is a prunus not a copper beech.
1 Jul, 2011
i think you ow us all a jar of jam for our input lol xx .
ps dont always believe the labels . one of my pet hates is people doing jobs they dont know how to do thow it can work in your faver like your trees .
2 Jul, 2011
Any chance of a pix? are they on the actual leaves or hanging from the twigs? I was wondering about the Copper Beech gall but that doesn't really look like a cherry...
25 Jul, 2009