re. acer seedling looking sick
By Bloggins
United Kingdom
somehow one of my acer trees has produced seeds which a couple have started growing in some gravel. Very carefully I dug them up and popped them in a pot with multi purpose compost and a touch of ericaceous. For a while they both flourished but now one has died and the other looks rather weary and the ends of some of the baby leaves are drying up. Can anyone help. They are about two inches tall now and to try and help I bought them into the conservatory but don't leave them in there when it's very hot........Can anyone help. Bloggins.
On plant
don't' know and I do not have a photp
28 Jul, 2009
Transplant your seedlings into sharp sand. Do not feed! Fertiliser inhibits root growth. Sharp sand encourages root growth. 3 months later - loads of roots!
Or try this secret from bonsai growers: Plant your acers in "Sophisticat Pink cat litter". Yes thats right, cat litter!
Sophisticat Pink is made from Danish Moler Clay, which happens to be a near perfect medium for growing plants and trees.
Tescos Supermarket sells Sophisticat Pink cat litter.
Please check out:
28 Jul, 2009
Thats's a very interesting article, be interested to see if anyone on here has tried that.
28 Jul, 2009
Wow will have to try that Stjohntongue!
28 Jul, 2009
if you want to see trees growing in cat litter, check out,
lots of help with tree problems, what, where, when, why, how. all can be applied to trees growing in the ground.
Whilst surfing the site, I saw this link, you gotta check it out,
4 Aug, 2009
You would probably have been better to leave them in the ground until they were a little more established. Don't what ever you do put them in the conservatory acers like light shade. Have you watered regularly?
28 Jul, 2009