By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
My pond has algae growing in it, I have put Barley Pouches in but not working, anyone know of a good treatment to get rid of it :o)) xx Jackie xx
9 Oct, 2012
get rid of blanket weed in a few days POND MEDIC GREEN GO,safe for fish and plants,i have used it ,just put up with cloudy water for a couple of days,go to bradshaw's site which is very helpful,they have one called Clover,that really works too.
9 Oct, 2012
I gently skim it off with the garden rake.
9 Oct, 2012
Drc726. The pond is New so is the pump this summer, you commented on it when we built the raised pond :o)
Booty. Thanks for the info, I will go to Bradshaws Site & have a look. That Pond medic Green Go sounds good. :o))
Bulbaholic. I have tried skimming it with a rake, got some out that way.
Thanks All xx Jackie xx
9 Oct, 2012
Yes I remember now that lovely wooden surround. A new pond does take time to settle. I suggest next spring it will be the same, but as the year goes on it should adjust. I had blanket weed for the first 3 springs and green water form time to time for the first 2-3 summers
The barley pouches work well for me, I have 2 at a time and change every 6 months but I dont have a pump which must make a difference?
I also found the more plants I had in mine to shade it the better but we have not had much sun this year!
9 Oct, 2012
Thats right Drc, Raised with the Wooden Surround, you've got it LOL, maybe I ought to of used more pouches, plus more planting for shade, I'm off to Swallows Aquatics near me to buy some pond plants now, think I will get what Booty suggested "Pond medic Green Go" sounds good :o)) worth a try.
Ta, Ta, for now xx Jackie xx
10 Oct, 2012
First of all, how old is your pond and do you have a pump?
9 Oct, 2012