Sparse and poor quality of berries on Rowan Tree
By Iyer
United Kingdom
I was afraid the culprit will turn out to be my conifers. These are very mature, planted much before the Rowan and form a splendid secure hedge at the back of my garden. Unfortunately I cannot afford to cut them down and so it would seem that the poor Rowan will have to take its chances where it's standing. I am grateful to both Bigbumblebee and Alzheimer for their prompt response. Will keep my fingers crossed and pray for the Rowan. I will, however, try adding fish manure and blood/bone manure and see if there is any change. Thanks once again.
2 Aug, 2009
What height are those conifers - they definitely need to be pruned back and then feed your poor rowan. The conifers will be grabbing all the nourishment and water especially - and their roots will be going a lot further than you realise. I would be tempted to root prune them to give your rowan a chance!!
2 Aug, 2009
The conifers are taking all the nutrients from your Rowan tree. Work in some fish, blood and bone gently round the root area of the tree. This will not be immediately at the base but rather more in line with the width of the crown. Do this again in spring as soon as you see the leaf buds beginning to form.
Can you get rid of at least some of the conifers?
2 Aug, 2009