By Barrietodd
County Down,
United Kingdom
Thank you all for your advice especially that about the risk of affecting the bulbs if fertilized at this time of year.
In that context will standard autumn fertilizer applied now affect the bulbs and should that be avoided?
Many thanks,
9 Oct, 2012
Previous question
« Fungi in paths,garden and lawns.Small compact growths like brown stones.
It wasn't that the fertilizer would harm the bulbs, but rather that as the bulbs are more or less dormant they wouldn't be able to use it.
In any case next year's flowers are already either there or not there already.
I think most autumn weed and feed lawn dressings would not still be active by the time the bulbs come through - lots of weeds in my lawn seem to ignore it anyway! But if you are concerned you could always ask the supplier on his website enquiry form. We used to have the firm Green Thumb treat our lawn twice a year and the crocuses still came up as normal. The main thing to avoid is mowing the grass before the leaves have died down.
9 Oct, 2012