type of buddleia?
By Auntynette
United Kingdom
what do you call a buddleia lookalike with lilac coloured spikes and narrow shiny leaves? I presume it's a sort of buddleia but it hasn't got the large dull grey leaves I usually associate with it.
3 Aug, 2009
Sounds like a description of a Hebe, but a photo would be best.
3 Aug, 2009
maybe Buddleja alternifolia try google images and see :o)
3 Aug, 2009
I agree with Bertie a photo is needed to i.d.
3 Aug, 2009
thanks -it does appear to be a hebe but I didn't know they grew this tall.
Typical amateur!
3 Aug, 2009
Hebe Great Orme gets huge - it probably is a hebe of some description if the flower spikes are much smaller than the Buddleia ones.
5 Aug, 2009
Previous question
Can you upload a photo? Very difficult to say other than making wild guesses otherwise.
3 Aug, 2009