Louloubelle's Profile

About me
Hello, I live in East Anglia and have a very hot sunny garden, in which I have created areas of shade, giving me many more planting options. I have gardened for over twenty years, cutting my teeth with the wonderful Geoff Hamilton. I write a gardening article monthly for a local magazine and I absolutely love gardening and plants. I have a small plant stall on the drive and now have some lovely loyal customers. I enjoy all sorts of plants, but particularly Viburnums, roses, and more recently I have become fascinated with pinks. My garden is absolutely packed full and I always seem to be able to squeeze in one more plant. My gardening heroes are Roy Lancaster, Carol Klein, and, of course, Geoff Hamilton. I have been asked to organise a village Open Gardens and am currently busy with that.
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Essex