These Geraniums are new but not doing very well
By Ian_digs_v2
United Kingdom
I have just put these Macrorrhizum, Bevan's Variety in my garden but would like to know what would be best for them. ie: should I cut them back to the 'crown' or leave them or ........
My soil is very well drained sandy soil and they are in full sun!

4 Aug, 2009
Thanks Fractal, I really like a nice photo of 'geronimo's (as my 6 yo calls them) but wasn't sure what to do with my own Lol :~))
4 Aug, 2009
I agree. You can trim off the fading leaves if you want to but leave the main plant with the green leaves which looks fine. It will soon clump up and then in years to come if you want to you can split it and make more plants. As they spread they are excellent at keeping the weeds down. Tough reliable plants.
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks for that Inverglen, I hope to get some more but the little GC I went to only had this kind.
5 Aug, 2009
"Cheap as chips" and all varieties very reliable in any kind of ground - except water laden.
Leave well alone and tidy them up in the spring if those nice colourful leaves haven't already died off - which is what they usually do. Good "doers" and once established - you can keep dividing them up ...a great "budget" plant!!!
5 Aug, 2009
Cheers Errrrrrrm (sorry I forgot your name again) Lol.
I am really getting to enjoy flowery things now.
By the way that was supposed to be funny Alzheimer :~)))
5 Aug, 2009
It was Ian D....I may be an old fuddy duddy but I have had a great laugh at your blogs etc. You lot have missed your vocation - you should have been on the that IS showing my age...on the TV then - with your patter.
Glad you are liking your (and she who must be obeyed's!!) flowers. They do cheer you up on a miserable day when you are down in the mouth :~((
We have sunshine today....EEK....but one of the dogs sent me flying this morning - so I am sitting here nursing a bad shoulder I'm not crying - just calling myself a silly old b#### for falling!!
5 Aug, 2009
Oh Alzheimer hope you're better soon! I have tripped over our cat a few times he always moves just as put my foot over him LOL!!!
Once they are established Ian and after flowering you can cut them back and they will spring up again, thats what i do with mine :o)
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks was already a frozen shoulder...Now I wish it was..ouch! Off for an x ray tomorrow methinks.
Anyway - having hijacked poor IanD 's are quite right ...I do savage my geraniums regularly and hack bits off them for friends who ask for plants - they are such obliging and forgiving things aren't they... and I think Ian's look very healthy.
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks A and SK for your lovely comments and feel free to hijack my blogs, questions or photos any time you like :~)))
And if you think that shoulder needs an xray then you should get it done today and not wait! ! !
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks Ian an ex Nurse ..I have a very good idea what I have done and they don't strap you up any more even if it is ### !! It wasn't even my dog that caused the accident! I'll go tomorrow to A&E...too far away to go today.
Gulp...2 more painkillers down the hatch!!
5 Aug, 2009
Nough said, I never argue with nurses. :~))
Its the uniform you know............ Lol
5 Aug, 2009
Yes Ian I DID notice you fancied a bit of skirt....oh dear - there I go again showing my age! In OUR day we wore skirts and - dare I say it - stockings!! I'll bet you can't even remember what they were, Young Man!! It was a risky business bending over a bed in the bad old days!! And I'm not talking flower beds!!
5 Aug, 2009
Oh Dear...... I can't .......stop, Don't.......let Carol........see this.......or I' big.........trouble. Lol
5 Aug, 2009
Wot again? She must be used to your shenanigans by now!!
Aye it was all billowing capes and frilly caps in my day...much more fun too. So was the nursing....:~)))))))
5 Aug, 2009
Lol, Lol, Lol, :~)))
Now don't start me off again! I had to go and sit in the corner until I could stop laughing. :~))
5 Aug, 2009
Wot - on the naughty chair??
'Nuff for now....nice chatting...but this old has-bean (!) needs her beauty sleep.
Yours aye
Carol....another one....LOL
5 Aug, 2009
Nite Nite :~))
5 Aug, 2009
Previous question
« It just appeared a few weeks ago and have no idea to it's identity, thanks
You will probably find that they will be fine. G. machorrhizum and it's varieties usually struggle the first season, especially if small pieces are planted like this. Don't worry though, they will grow just about anywhere in sun or shade as long as it is not too wet. You look to have new leaves growing from the centre there anyway so root activity is obviously fine too.
The autumnal looking outer leaves are just part of the moving process and will drop soon. This species is grown as much for it's autumn colour as it is it's flowers. About 50% of the leaves colour up like this with the other 50% staying green over winter.
I have three varieties including yours and two started as scraps. They are now huge clumps!
4 Aug, 2009