sickly Honeysuckle, white powdery stems and leaves.Any advice?
By Vintagerose
United Kingdom
I've recently planted a lonnicera on a north facing wall, which gets sunshine up to about lunchtime. The small bed it's planted in has a couple of healthy roses, a pieris, and some small bedding plants along the front edge. The poor honeysuckle hasn't thrived at all. although the 3 main stems have grown upwards, they have developed a white powdery film along them, and the leaves look as if they are covered in a white powdery "mildew", and are dying. There are some new shoots appearing, but I want to know what I'm doing wrong? I followed the planting instructions, but don't claim to be a competent, or knowledgeable gardener. Any advice would be most gratefully received!!
Many thanks,
On plant
Lonicera periclymenum belgica
8 Aug, 2009
Gosh, that was a quick reply!!! Thankyou SO much Bamboo....I'll let you know how I get on!
8 Aug, 2009
you just struck lucky - I'm sitting on the computer because I've got an injured foot and can't do anything else currently!
8 Aug, 2009
I'm very sorry to hear that, hope you're mobile again soon! your injury is my gain! I actually had some Roseclear spray in my shed, so I've sprayed what I had left. Fingers crossed. (You have a lovely garden by the way, I'm envious!!)
8 Aug, 2009
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It's got mildew, that's all, and with the weather we've been having, chances are the poor plant's been getting barely any sun at all on a north facing wall. Buy a fungicide and spray (I'd recommend Roseclear 3, which treats aphids and fungus as the most effective, but there'll be other fungal treatments available)
8 Aug, 2009