Twisted (corkscrew) Hazel
By Begoniafan
United Kingdom
How do you tell if this plant is happy? Mine has looked pretty miserable since last year.....It always looks wilted!
9 Aug, 2009
I've had one now for 3 years and the leaves aren't thick .... they're quite thin but definately not soft and floppy though and definately not sad-looking !
It's location is east facing - where it gets the sun for most of the day - in fairly thin, neutral - alkaline soil.
Even though the branches are twisted they shouldn't 'droop', a lot of the branches twist upwards.
I would think if it's drooping it's suffering from drought, i'd move its position to somewhere more moist if you can't water it well daily.
And, if you have it in a pot, i'd get it out of there quick and plant it out in the ground.
10 Aug, 2009
Because the gene that causes the contortion also makes the leaves deformed, this can make the plant look shabby and even look as though the leaves are puckered because of the activities of aphids.
A good tip is to site the plant so that it is prominent in winter and spring, but have a large perennial such as Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' or a grass like Miscanthus obscure it during the summer. These are cut back in autumn to reveal the attractive curly branches throughout winter followed by the dangling catikins in spring.
10 Aug, 2009
I mean 'Do the leaves feel thick and turgid' as in watered and happy. I know they're not thick as such but couldn't think of any way to discribe it!
10 Aug, 2009
Ah, :)
10 Aug, 2009
thats what they do! Do the leaves feel thick and turgid or soft and floppy, that would show any water problems?!
A pic would be helpful.
A friend of mine refuses to have them as they always look sad!
9 Aug, 2009