Plum Trees with Maggots
By Samimalik
United Kingdom
I have a plum tree which is around 12 years old. it gives lots of plums but they are mostly rotten with maggots.
Is the tree too old now? Why is this?
10 Aug, 2009
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Yes, I have the same problem this year and so, according to one Sunday Paper, do lots of other people.As there are no pesticides that can be used against his problem they advise the pheremone trap but of course there is nothing we can do this year.
I still picked about 8lbs of maggot free ones today though.
10 Aug, 2009
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Had to look this one up to be quite honest. It is almost certainly the Plum moth caterpillar. Are the maggots (caterpillars really) pinkish-white?
Not a great deal you can do except use a sticky pheremone trap when the adults are about in mid-late May. Just hang them (just one or two should do) in the branches and the males will get stuck. They can't mate with any females if they are caught!
10 Aug, 2009