are the berries on a laural bush poison
By Flower1
United Kingdom
12 Aug, 2009
Yes - all parts of the laurel are not for eating!The laurel plant and its berries contain toxic substances which would cause nausea and vomiting.
The "pits" of the berries contain the actual toxins..and so usually pass right through any animal or bird without harming them. I am curious to know why you ask?
12 Aug, 2009
i have had to warn my little ones about eating pretty berries from the garden, so i suspect that will be the case for flower1.
when mine were small i made a big point of showing them all the berries in the garden including the blackcurrants/gooseberries that were for eating. i impressed on them the need to get me and show me what it was and if they could eat it i always let them. they liked the look of honeysuckle berries too. also toxic.
12 Aug, 2009
i have a large laurel next door .today my 3 year old spotted the berries on the ground.i told her not to touch them and later pick them up but there are loads left on the i now they are toxic i will try and cut as much down on my side on the fence as possible
12 Aug, 2009
but also explain to your little one that if she eats them she will get a poorly tummy [or how ever you would explain it to her].
12 Aug, 2009
You could trim the laurel whilst its flowering earlier in year, therefore chopping off all the flowers, rather than hacking back and waiting for it to grow back
12 Aug, 2009
I am not sure what is the type of your berries are. Laurel Nobilis (mediterranean bay) is not toxic
27 Dec, 2017
they will cause an upset tummy if you eat them but i dont think they are very poisonous.
12 Aug, 2009