Why are my rhubarb and swede leaves going red?
By Naomi
United Kingdom
My swedes and rhubarb plants have been coming along well however they both seem to have a similar problem if it is one? Their leaves are starting to turn a vivid red colour is this normal? My main concern is that a gas vent blows over them in the garden across the path could this be affecting them?

12 Aug, 2009
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With the rhubarb at least, this is normal on the oldest leaves at this time of year. These will be among the earliest to have appeared and are just starting to die back. Some varieties turn yellow though others do turn this lovely pink colour.
Not sure about the chard which is not perennial but annual/biennial.
12 Aug, 2009
Goodness! Great minds again eh?!
Pity it doesn't show the time on this site as I must have posted seconds after you. People will think I just copy you :-)
12 Aug, 2009
Sorry, the other plant was Swede not Chard wasn't it. Still not sure about this one though :-)
12 Aug, 2009
thanks for the info i will watch them with less concern now.
12 Aug, 2009
dont worry fractal it happens all the time. i dont mind.
my hubby says swede does it too and im not one to argue as he used to grow vegs bc [before children].
12 Aug, 2009
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my rhubarb does this as the season comes to an end. I have always thought it was 'autumn coluring' and as it comes back year on year i dont think it is anything to worry about.
12 Aug, 2009