By Sandz
United Kingdom
I am just new to the site and have received several ideas already for planting etc and layout, but I wondered if anyone had before and after shots of transformed gardens.
It would also be good if there were design ideas on the site, ie drawings/sketches so we could get ideas for our own transformations, i always find it hard to visualise. But i want to have the satisfaction of doing this allmy myself so would need to be easy. I have bought manygarden books but find it hard to relate this to myown garden.
Anyway I love this site so far - so thank you to all of those who have alredy responded wtih ideas and plant suggestions. At least I have the 'Before' shots of my garden.

14 Aug, 2009
Welcome to the site. It is really hard to try and visualise how your garden will look. I am the same - had loads of books and looked at all the pictures of other gardens on the site but could't relate any of them to my garden.
I haven't really got an answer, I'm afraid. It is really a case of trial and error. I keep digging more and more border and just buying more and more plants! I would love to have a bit more design but hopefully will
learn from my many mistakes and it will just evolve! Good Luck!
23 Aug, 2009