By Googie
United Kingdom
Every year I dig my Dalia,s up and box them for next season. This is really hard work, As the winters are getting milder do you think I could leave them in or would I loose them all?
14 Aug, 2009
As long as your soil is not to heavy and wet and you lay a thick mulch over them...they should be ok....it really depends how severe a winter we have next time.....I'm going to have the same problem and I have over 70 plants!!!!!
14 Aug, 2009
i never lift my dahlias, unless i want to move them or take little tuber cuttings in the spring. Theloneg and alice are right as long as they are planted deep enough and you mulch them well, they should be ok. The winters sem to be getting milder, don't they?........ good luck.
14 Aug, 2009
I read something recently about this - apparently, most people no longer bother to lift them and most of the time, they survive - seems to be cold wet that does for them, because they rot in the soil. I dug one up last year and kept it in the garage for warmth - it died anyway, wish I'd left it in the ground.
14 Aug, 2009
Trust in nature !
14 Aug, 2009
I'm much more of a cynic, lonegardener - nature is entirely impartial, neither benevolent nor malevolent, just hugely powerful - have to work with it where possible and bend it slightly occasionally!
14 Aug, 2009
In my own garden I usually lift them but in my mother-in-law's garden that we also look after we usually cover each crown with a pile of peat or compost and both methods seem to work equally well.
15 Aug, 2009
out of interest how deep should they be planted to be classed as 'deep enough'?
15 Aug, 2009
Guessing 3ftish ???
16 Aug, 2009
I think you mean 3 inches so the top of the tuber is about 3 inches below ground level and that normally seems fine for mine. A bit deeper if you wish.
16 Aug, 2009
My mistake... did i really say 3 ft !?!
I`m with you Inverglen !
16 Aug, 2009
its a fair question. if it helps i am working in a garden which has had some fantastic flowering dahlias(see my cut flower garden pics) and i can assure you that i did not plant them !!! i have been there since the snow in january so if they are deep enough i reckon you would be safe!!! i am digging mine up this year as i intend to move them anyway!!lol
Do i need to sign a disclaimer ???
14 Aug, 2009