"cornus" dogwood hedging
By Nicthevic
United Kingdom
I am planning to plant some "cornus" dogwood hedging.
Can anyone tell me whether the expected spread...in some plants estimated at 2m...comes from lots of new wood from the root of each plant.
21 Oct, 2012
2metres is about right, but that is over time. It will gallop to that within 2-3 years after planting but you need to prune it to keep the red/green/orange stems and to keep it looking nice and bushy. The branches get long and floppy if not pruned.
21 Oct, 2012
I cut mine back to the base every spring to get the red stems and it grows back to about 5'x5'. Left alone it would reach 10'. But as there are 17 varieties of dogwood it does depend which one you have as TeeGee says.
21 Oct, 2012
Thanks for the help. We have recently moved into this house in SE London on retirement and I hope to develop the garden over the next few years. Maybe I'll do some pix now I have discovered this site.
21 Oct, 2012
Welcome Nic!
21 Oct, 2012
Previous question
Depends upon what variety you are intending to grow, as some produce from the frame work ( branches) and others from the root ball.
21 Oct, 2012