By Jvt
United Kingdom
I had i a wonderful couple of hours yesterday with my boy starting to clear my new half plot on my allotment.
Whilst turning over the soil i noticed, with every turn of the fork loads of small gnat like creatures. When i got home i noticed that my lower leg areas were itching like mad. I can only assume that it was something to do with these tiny insects.
Have any of you experienced anything similar and if so is there a lotion or potion that you know may work for next time please?
Kind regards, John
21 Oct, 2012
Thanks for the advice. I will definitely be getting some of that cream-you bet!
21 Oct, 2012
Avon Skin So Soft spray is said to be very good as a repellent. I know the army use it sometimes to stop midgies biting. You can buy it online or on ebay.
I am just back from a visit to the Cote D'Azur and my wife and I visited a botanical gardens and were bitten to pieces on our arms and legs. Went to a local chemist who gave me a tube of Apaisyl which is the best after bite gel I have ever come across. Dont think UK chemists have it but again you can buy it online.
22 Oct, 2012
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For starters make sure you have good thick trousers tucked firmly into wellies! Citronella essential oil is supposed to be a good insect repellant. For the itching, first and foremost don't scratch even once, and get some chickweed cream from your health food shop - works like a charm to stop itching.
21 Oct, 2012