Taking cuttings from standard hardy Fuscia
By Mjb
Herts, United Kingdom
We have this Fuscia which stands about 2m high. It has lovely lilac colour flowers and gives a great show all summer. We have tried to take cuttings but have not been successful.They will not take root. Have tried soft & hard shoots but not joy. Has anyone any ideas, please?
- 18 Aug, 2009
I have about twenty five large pots of fuchsias plus some garden bushes and I root all the cuttings in water, leaving them in the glass for quite a long time after they form a root system before I pot them on.
The trick is to then put them into very small pots to start with and move them into the next size when you see the roots appearing through the bottom of the tiny pot, making sure you do not jump a size. A bit tedious but I've found it's the best way to ensure that they grow well.
Remember to pinch out all round as the plant grows to ensure lots of branching.
Good luck
19 Aug, 2009
...as above...water is best for fuchsias and if you can't find enough non flowering shoots - don't panic - just nip off the flowers ....it still works....I do it all the time!
19 Aug, 2009
Great tips Cestina and Alzheimer - I thought I was the only one who rooted fuchsias in water now I know I am amongst friends!
19 Aug, 2009
water here to, works really well, ive some rooting at the moment
25 Aug, 2009
Water sounds a good bet Mjb why not give it a go and see how you get on.
25 Aug, 2009
I usually find that fuchsia cuttings take quite well at this time of year, and have found that they root quite well in water. I'd recommend that you give it a try. Use a non flowering shoot and use a sharp blade The main trouble I've found with fuchsia cuttings is that they dry out -if you root them in water you don't get this problem.
18 Aug, 2009