I have a Camellia Jap. Many thanks for the info, Scottish and Volunteer. I was so surprised to the the 'fruit', it never occurred that it might be a seed pod. Might be tempted to try and bring it on in the Spring. Once again, thankyou.
By Kate_sims45
United Kingdom
I have a Camellia Jap. 'Adiophe' Audusson Var. Inherited from previous owners. The flower is red and long lasting with typical waxy green foliage. To my surprise I see it is bearing a fruit similar to the shape of an apple, with reddish skin with size just slightly larger than a 10p piece. I have never experienced this before with other camellias. Does anyone out there have an explanation, please. I am most curious
25 Oct, 2012
The seeds inside are about the size of a large pea and jet black. Keep an eye on them and collect when the casing splits open, which may not be til Spring. Sow them in a pot in an ericaceous compost (one labelled as 'for Rhododendrons' etc) and cover with 1/4 inch of compost and then a layer of small grit. Keep them outside in a sheltered spot or in a cool greenhouse. They may take a long while to germinate so don't give up on them for a year or two. Good luck! Oh, and they may not be the same as the parent when they eventually flower.
26 Oct, 2012
Thanks for expanding Volunteer. I might give it a try myself.
26 Oct, 2012
Many thanks for the info on my Camellia 'Adiophe'. I was so surprised to see this 'apple' thing it never occurred that it might be a seed pod. Might have a try at bringing it along in the Spring, as you suggest. Very interesting.
31 Oct, 2012
Good luck
1 Nov, 2012
I noticed one of my camellias having the same a few weeks back. They are the seed pods.
I'm sure someone with much more knowledge that I will give you instructions if you want to try growing the seeds.
25 Oct, 2012