Arthropodium candidum purpureum
By Jayemsee
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hi, I'd like to know if anyone else is growing this - is it fully hardy - just bought a small one (7cm pot) and was about to pot it up then thought it might be better to wait till next spring - any ideas??
On plant
Arthropodium candidum purpureum
20 Aug, 2009
This one likes a bit of shade and some decent compost/soil - keep well watered during summer.
Its only hardy in the south of Britain, or very mild areas, so if you live somewhere where it gets cold in the winter, put it in a pot and move it somewhere warmer for the winter.
20 Aug, 2009
Sorry I can't help, but what an exquisite flower. I know nothing about it would like to as it is so beautiful. I look forward to answers to your question too!
20 Aug, 2009