leaf minor moth on horse chestnuts
By Junie
United Kingdom
Hi, my garden backs on to the local path, and there is a very big horsechestnut tree overhanging the end of the garden which shows definite signs of leaf minor moth, which is apparently affecting most horse chestnuts nowadays. A viburnum I planted fairly near now seems to be showing the same symptoms on the leaves, do you think this is likely to be the same moth, and could it affect other shrubs in the area. Any advice would be appreciated.
22 Aug, 2009
Previous question
« in my garden book it says to take of dead flowers how do you do it
I'm wondering about that myself, having noticed similar symptoms on other shrubs occasionally, but I don't know the answer, I'm afraid. Hope someone does, I'm interested myself. On the other hand, there are other leaf mining insects that can cause a similar kind of damage, so I assume it must be a slightly different pest.
22 Aug, 2009