Can I leave my avocado out in the winter?
By Charlie
United Kingdom
i have grown an avacado tree it is now 5ft high ive,been putting it in my garage,for the winters and wondered if anybody has ideas if it would survive outside.ive beengrowing cape gooseberries for a few years andfound if igrow them in flower buckets i get from morrisons i find they grow as well as in the ground without the roots taking over.
On plant
Persea americana (Avocado)
8 Aug, 2007
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fruit trees
hi joey yes i did it will be four years old in jan.2009. Iwill bring her in for the winter. thanks
9 Sep, 2008
Hi there Charlie, the avocado probably wont survive frosts... I should keep doing what you are doing - did you start the tree from a seed?
10 Aug, 2007