what is a suitable low growing evergreen shrub to use as a border in very chalky soil?
By Debsandnigel
United Kingdom
ideally would like some flowers or colour interest say 60 cm growth over 10 years. Aspect sunny/ partial shade
22 Aug, 2009
Previous question
Here's a list - some of these may get bigger than you want and they're not all evergreen, some are perennials, some shrubs, you will have to look them up and choose:
Alyssum, Aubretia, Campanula, Erica carnea, Hebe, Euonymus, Salvia, Sarcococca, Cotoneaster, Rosemary, Deutzia, Daphne, Iris, Pulsatilla, Saponaria, Veronica and Virburnums. All grow in chalky soil.
22 Aug, 2009