By Valadel
United Kingdom
Does anyone know if Gauras self seed ? I planted a pink one last year but it died in the winter , however recently two small ones have popped up near where there is a white one gowing , I thought it was an off shoot from that but they have just flowered----------pink!!
22 Aug, 2009
They are such beautiful flowers aren't they.I had some for three years but they died in the cold last year. I think they are short-lived perennials anyway.
As Bamboo says, lucky you!
22 Aug, 2009
Terratoonie wrote a blog on propagating Gaura cuttings in water - I tried it and all three cuttings rooted and are growing happily in pots, now! So there's another way of keeping them. :-))
22 Aug, 2009
Yes, they seed profusely, although they don't always grow - lucky you!
22 Aug, 2009