what plants dissapointed you this year?
By Usernut
United Kingdom
just interested..lol.
I had Ageratum, nice pic with lovely blue flowers on label, looked nothing like mine, I had some in pots, beds, sunny and shaded, and they were all terrible looking.
and Dahlia,s, a white one, lots of lovely white flowers which soon dropped off with the slightest breath of wind leaving petals all over the plant, spent more time picking them off only for it to happen again and again. the small plant was very bushy and was covered in mildew and the slugs...leaving trails all over the place, not nice trying to pick the fallen petals off that.
cut it down and binned it today, along with all the ageratums, hence my question..
24 Aug, 2009
Stachys macrantha. I chose it because it's meant to grow in a little shade, or sun. It didn't produce a single flower!
I've moved it into full sun and hope it will flower next year. What a disappointment!
Oh, and Potentilla x hopwoodiana. I have three healthy plants, with not a single flower between them! Grrrr.
24 Aug, 2009
The only thing that disappointed me in my garden was me... for not keeping on top of the weeding etc. The plants all did their thing - not necessarily the way I might have liked them to but that is my problem not the plants. The images and descriptions on plant labels give false expectations of what you will actually get and grow in many cases.
24 Aug, 2009
Rosa 'Summer Wine'. It produced 2 flowers this year yet last year it was abundant.
Astilbe 'Inschriach Pink'. As above.
Pyrethrum, bought mail order and not a single flower on any of the 6 plants, grrrrrr.
Same mail order company, Geranium 'Double Jewel'. Bought bare root and didn't even come up out of the ground, grrrrr.
25 Aug, 2009
I would say my "cascading roses" as there is really no such thing that was a real dissapointment but the fault of the supplier not the plant, so I would say Anemone x hybrida Queen Charlotte
bought one it died bought another and that died
again not the plants fault possibly or definatly mine (but for my first year only 2 fatalities not bad going)...
or sweet peas!! sooo feeble dont think I will bother with them again
x x x
25 Aug, 2009
definately petunias in my baskets, for a second year the rain beat them to a frazzle, guess what, no petunias next year. Most of my roses did very very badly too, due to all the rain :(
25 Aug, 2009
Petunias for me too. All looked like healthy plants but they grew enormous, tall and leggy, and most very dark dreary colours. I was given them by a friend who ordered them from a local gardening club, so was naturally very grateful at first - but I won't do that again.
25 Aug, 2009
Candelabra primulas from *&* - turned into Auricula primulas in a very dull range of colours. To give *&* their due they have replaced them with what do look like candelabra primulas, I'll have to wait and see.
25 Aug, 2009
A yellow cactus dahlia that should have been egg yolk yellow but is lemon daisy form. really disappointed.
25 Aug, 2009
My Canna Durban - yes it flowered this year, but the leaves were fantastic last year,striped in glorious red/yellow/purple and very disappointing this time, much duller with no yellow.
24 Aug, 2009