Part of my back garden is boggy and I would like to know what plants to grow in it?
By Gyp
United Kingdom
The back garden is quite steep and very long and boggy in parts.
25 Aug, 2009
I have always wished I had a place for a good size bog garden. Do take some pics to show us before and your progress - wish you luck
25 Aug, 2009
And to add to the list of plants that like damp, boggy soil, Rogersia, Mimulus, Lysimachia, Hosta, Iris, Cimicifuga, Houttuynia, Ranunculus, Zantedeschia. Grasses: Carex, Cyperus, Typha, Ferns: Matteuccia, Onoclea, Osmunda and a shrub, Gaultheria
25 Aug, 2009
Podyphillum is a good one, try, they have a great selection of plants for boggy areas and not necessarily dedicated to shade lovers.
25 Aug, 2009
or you could dig a good soakeaway and have a very fertile but normal garden.
26 Aug, 2009
There are lots of plants which thrive in damp conditions - Ligularia, Lythrum, Candleabra Primulas, Astilbe, Lobelia cardinalis, Aruncus, Schizostylis, Trollius, some ferns if there's some shade, several grasses to add interest, Gunnera (if you have space), and lots more - but that's a start, I hope.
25 Aug, 2009