I am looking for the common medium pink colored rose that is grown in India. Does anyone know what it is called and where can I find it?
By Tini
United States
The rose is medium pink which resembles a double knock out rose but is heavy in fragrance and produces hops when done flowering
25 Aug, 2009
I think you are looking for a rose called Rosa Rainbow Knockout. Knockout roses come in pink, red and coral they do not need dead heading and flower profusely until the frosts. Great for container growing on baklconies/patios A good rose grower we be able to help you find exactly the one you want, they continue to sell well as they are so disease resistant, very popular award winning compact roses. good luck
25 Aug, 2009
Not got a clue - don't even know what a Knock Out rose is, I'm afraid. Medium pink with hips could mean several varieties here. Maybe someone in India will see your question.
25 Aug, 2009