Chevalier Plant
By Rdjjbw
United States
Can anyone tell me why my chevalier plant is wilting? I repotted it and put it in a larger pot, it was outside in the sun, I brought it in, I see new folage on it, but the other leaves are wilting. What should I do.
On plant
27 Aug, 2009
Sorry, as moongrower says, Chevalier plant means nothing this side of the pond, must be what you call it commonly over there. Any idea what its real name is?
27 Aug, 2009
Is it tecoma stans? I'm in Scotland and I have never even seen it sold as a houseplant - I think it needs much warmer temperatures than we have up here, it is also probably not suited to growing indoors.
27 Aug, 2009
I think what you are wanting to know about is the Schefflera plant. I think that is why no one knows which you are talking about.
Any time you place this plant in full sun it doesn't like it. It does like early morning sun and part shade. I have mine under a 80% shade cloth and it is blooming. Last year I placed this tree half under the cloth and the side that got morning sun didn't grow, while the shaded side of the same plant grew 2 times the size of the other.
Your plant might be sun burnt, they like water, lots of water, but good drainage. Place this tree-plant in a shaded spot when you put it outside. they have to be harden off to get much sun and won't do well in lots of sun.
27 May, 2011
Thanks Jenel, I think we were all feeling a little incompetent we can usually work out what a plant is lol!
27 May, 2011
Sorry Rdjjbw you need to be a bit clearer as to what you Chevalier plant is - rose, rhododendron, something else? So far as I know there is no actual plant of that name it must be the cultivar name.
27 Aug, 2009