Weedfingers's Profile

About me
I live in Midlothian and having previously lived in a flat greatly enjoy having a garden of my own.
I don't have a lot of ground to play with - after a small patio area beside the back of the house the garden is about 16 feet wide and probably about the same again in length, except one side is chopped off by the boundary fence so it is triangular, and would end in a point if it wasn't for a very small shed.
I love ponds and have, after years of nibbling away at the project, finally completed the main pond which has been establised about 3 years now. I ignored all the advice in the gardening books about making your pond proportionate to the size of your garden. It now spans 13 feet of the 16 foot width of the garden and is about 5 feet wide. There is a small cascade which I need to sort out with regards to the pump and I need to create an outdoor electricity supply.
There is a very small second pond which I finished renovating this late winter and spring, slightly enlargening it.
Due to the amount of water I have limited my planting space for easier access and not wanting to take a swim to get to the shed - so I have done my best to squeeze a few plants in here and there! I think I am fairly up to capacity now, but still keep thinking I have more space when I visit the garden centres.
I have a small front garden which I have tried to cram a lot into and needs a clear out at the moment.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom