Bare Root Peony
By Scotkat
Is this the best way to buy peonys?
27 Aug, 2009
Thankyou Bulbaholic I just was not sure as bought magnolias bare rooted and they never grew.
Saw them advertised in a garden mag.
Just potted up my sweetpea pansy plants arrived from Jersey plants at lunchtime.
27 Aug, 2009
I believe both Magnolias and Peonies dislike root disturbance, so this sounds a bit dodgy to me...
27 Aug, 2009
That's how Kelway's sell them - you have to order them well in advance and they send them out bare-rooted in November!
They are Paeony specialists, so I suppose they ought to know??
27 Aug, 2009
Oh well there we go then! lol
27 Aug, 2009
Paeonies can be moved in late autumn, just as they go dormant so that is the tiime to buy them bare rooted. They start into growth very early in the year so if you are offered any next spring, turn them down
27 Aug, 2009
Not sure, Scotkat. Peonies have tuberous roots sothey should be OK but I would like to know that they had not been out of the ground for long and so started drying out.
27 Aug, 2009