Can you identify the plant
By Edric60
United Kingdom
Has anyone identified it yet?
The flower spike is about 15cms long
The colour of the little florets looks like yellow - see photo

28 Aug, 2009
I suspect that it's one of the umbelliferers like Cow Parsley or similar. I've just seen one very like it in the verge of our lane.
28 Aug, 2009
I think your right Spritzhenry
28 Aug, 2009
!ts the flower head that put me off it being cow parsley it seemed too dence? but I bow to your knowledge.
28 Aug, 2009
Cow Parsley has a flat flower head and this is a spike. I had a cannabis plant in the garden one year (from the bird feeder) but I was made to pull it up :-(
28 Aug, 2009
Bulbaholic you didnt say how many you've got now?
28 Aug, 2009
28 Aug, 2009
Whatever it is edric60 I do hope we get to see it flower?
28 Aug, 2009
It won't be cow parsley at this time of year - but somethings similar, I think, in spite of the non-flat bud. Just don't let it set seed, will you!
28 Aug, 2009
Who made you pull it up Bulbaholic? I keep hoping, am always feeding the birds ...
28 Aug, 2009
Tsk, Tsk!!
28 Aug, 2009
She who must be obeyed of course lol
28 Aug, 2009
Of course!!!!
I am not sure that the local Sherriff would have accepted the 'bird food' defence but it would have been an interesting one to try!
28 Aug, 2009
No doubt she put up a sign saying "Keep off the grass" as well :-D
28 Aug, 2009
What grass??? None to keep off :-)
Andrew you DO know that B and I are married?
28 Aug, 2009
Andrewr loved the comment to bulaholic.It made me laugh
28 Aug, 2009
i did too Mavis...he he he
r u realy married MG & B??
28 Aug, 2009
Yes for nearly 40 years - I thought folk knew... when B first started blogging I'm sure he said so
29 Aug, 2009
i must of missed that Moon Grower.........
29 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't be deliberately rude to any other GoYer, Sandra, but I know just how far I can go with Mg!
29 Aug, 2009
thats why your still married after all those
29 Aug, 2009
Yup happier together now than when we first married
29 Aug, 2009
good for you....i been married nineteen years. we to are happier now than in the first few years....
29 Aug, 2009
Once hubby learns his place in the pecking order ;-(
29 Aug, 2009 takes a while.....
29 Aug, 2009
Bulbaholic - is it true the way to a successful marriage is two words -
"Yes dear" :-)
29 Aug, 2009
Good start, Andrew. The next two words are "No, dear"!
29 Aug, 2009
Whilst we are busy talking nonsense off-topic has anyone noticed that Edric has put up a new photo showing the whole of the plant? It seems to be a woody plant and quite tall but I am afraid that I can't identify it.
29 Aug, 2009
Well it isn't cow parsley that's for sure! I now think it is the same plant B & I were shown a specimen of at the Inverness Hort Socs. show today - couldn't i.d .that either :-)
29 Aug, 2009
Could it be the female cannabis plant?
29 Aug, 2009
Ive been having another look at this and spotted small purple flowers? Is it a Jacob's Ladder of which I have several and they do look a bit like this new photo.
30 Aug, 2009
Not like any cannabis I've ever ... seen! Looks like some kind of Asparagus Fern to me, though why its grown in the garden, I've no idea.
30 Aug, 2009
how long had it been there? is the stem woody? does die back?
30 Aug, 2009
Female cannabis plant was a joke aimed a Bulbaholic? see earlier entries.
30 Aug, 2009
just how many have you seen..Bamboo?????
30 Aug, 2009
I agree - not anything like Cow Parsley from seeing the whole plant - but I give up, I'm afraid! Maybe if/when it flowers, we'll recognise it??
30 Aug, 2009
Well, you know, I'm pretty ancient now, so quite a few, really!!
30 Aug, 2009
That's 'quite a few' more than I have then, Bamboo!! lol.
30 Aug, 2009
Had a friend who grew tons of it over the years - the inevitable happened and she paid the price extracted by the law (need I say more) but she used to cut it down at the end of the season, when the plants were about 10 feet high, and dry it indoors.I tell you, you didn't need to smoke it when you visited while it was drying - I couldn't stand it, far too strong and I needed to drive home afterwards.... :-))
30 Aug, 2009
Well Edric, you certainly like giving us all a challenge - this is the second "what's this plant" question from you, and no -one's yet properly identified either of them! I still think its an asparagus fern....
30 Aug, 2009
i know Bamboo we r not doing very well with Edrics plants....i am thinking tree peony
30 Aug, 2009
Or its some kind of Dropwort
30 Aug, 2009
Not budging from jacobs ladder as my last effort too taxing! . I do hope we get to find out.
Bamboo - I have never seen a cannabis plant ( I do need to get outmore) though I had cancer patients who smoked it for pain relief.
30 Aug, 2009
hey Paulthegardener has put a pic of canabis up on his pages......
31 Aug, 2009
thanks sandra but How do I find his pages must be missing something?
31 Aug, 2009
I've had a look, Sandra - where? I can't see it??
31 Aug, 2009
If you really want to see a pic of it, google Sativa, select wikipedia and it has a pic of C. sativa - I can't find it in Paul's photos either
31 Aug, 2009
Have just looked the picture I saw of C Sativa looks very like this plant?
31 Aug, 2009
Don't think the leaflets on this plant are long enough, and it seems much bushier than an average Cannabis - could always try smoking it, I guess!
31 Aug, 2009
its in his latest blog in the poisen garden at the castle...
31 Aug, 2009
Well it's certainly sparked a lot of interest
I will take a photo of the flower whenever it comes into bloom
That may help
Thanks for all your input
1 Sep, 2009
that will definately help Edric...
1 Sep, 2009
Has it nearly flowered yet Edric?
8 Sep, 2009
We are just back from holiday and I suspect that the photo could be the same as a plant that I pulled up yesterday evening and put in the bin, before it flowered.
I don't know what it is but it has a woody stem and is waist high. It started growing early in the summer and I then thought that it looked like a tomato seedling, possibly dropped by a bird. I left it to see what would happen but it was in the wrong place. My feeling is that it is an annual but not one that I am familiar with.
10 Sep, 2009
Thanks for the pic Edric
10 Sep, 2009
carnt quite see the leaves but Is it some sort of wild larkspur?
28 Aug, 2009