I have a shaded area which is grassed over and is very mossy. I don't know what to do with it to make an attractive corner. My house is North facing and the corner gets no sun.
By Leighlu
United Kingdom

29 Aug, 2009
Ferns and hostas would look great there, You can get bright green leaf varieties too, and my favourite tree ever, The Treefern would look Amazing there Leighlou..
29 Aug, 2009
you beat me to it i think three different hight ones would look brilliant dont you daisy ?
29 Aug, 2009
Yeah NP, they would look Amazing..
29 Aug, 2009
I'd get rid of the grass too - there are quite a few plants that will tolerate these conditions, some of which have already been mentioned by others. Have a look at Brunnera, Rogersia, Lamium 'white nancy', anemones, saxifraga umbrosa, Lysimachia, Heucheras (all varieties of leaf colour), Astrantias, Ferns. Shrubs you can plant would include Acer, Sarcococca, Box and Ribes
29 Aug, 2009
I have a similar corner and have success with ferns and alchemilla mollis backed by the tall hardy fuchsia "Mrs Popple" which is nice and bright now and will flower until the frosts come.
Bamboo has assured me that polyanthus will grow in shade so I am going to try a few along the front in the spring to carry on the colour from some troughs I'm planting up.
29 Aug, 2009
Hey, Pennyfarthing, think you'll find I said Primulas, not Polyanthus! Tho actually, they'd probably be okay too. Forgot to mention Primulas, leighlu.
29 Aug, 2009
All primula grow well in shade and well drained humous rich soil. My primula vulgaris are in shade and do very well as do the Cowslips and English Blubells although these 2 can be invasive for a small area.
29 Aug, 2009
Whoops! Yes Bamboo---you probably did--I'm easily confused! Anyway, I'm planting up with PRIMULAS then!!!!
29 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
I reckon Polyanthus would cope anyway, but it's Primulas they always go on about as doing well in damp shade - didn't want you blaming me if they didn't when I never mentioned them in the first place, Penny;-)))
30 Aug, 2009
No, it wasn't you after all Bamboo! Just me having a funny moment. Take no notice!
30 Aug, 2009
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It looks very pretty already. one suggestion I have is to make the whole left side of the photo a flower bed. Gets rid of the grassy moss and would look very striking. higher perennials at the back and short types as they come closer to the path choosing shade lovers.
29 Aug, 2009