By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
I want to plant some apple trees to train as espalier. I would like them to grow to about 6'.
I've looked at buying some ready trained, but they're pretty expensive.
Could I buy ordinary apple trees and train them?
Should I buy any special type of tree?
I don't know anything about apple trees or growing them!
5 Nov, 2012
I would imagine that you could train almost any kind of apple tree if you bought it as a small, whippy maiden. I also think it would be a good idea to make sure that the rootstock is dwarf, or you could be giving yourself a pruning problem. As Pam says, a good book on pruning should give you a good idea of how to proceed. Good luck!
7 Nov, 2012
You would need to choose varieties on a dwarfing rootstock. It is the rootstock that governs how large or small the tree will grow. Try googling around for bareroot trees from now til March. These should be cheaper as they are dug up from the nursery and come...well..barerooted! You could contact your chosen nursery and ask which varieties they recommend for the use you want. Failing this, keep an eye out at large stores such as Homebase. They often sell small maiden trees quite cheaply. I would suggest Woolworth's but they are no more. They had their uses!
7 Nov, 2012
They did indeed! I bought 6 raspberry canes from Woolworths a year before they went out of business, and we now have a large area of garden under the canes from those original 6, giving us about 1-1.5 kilos of fruit a day in June to July.
Try this company, Canalhopper: they are a little expensive, but have a very wide range of apple types on all rootstock varieties: try looking up Bernwode Plants in Buckinghamshire. They know what they are talking about and have a very extensive, comprehensive and useful catalogue full of apple, pear and other fruit trees. Address Kingswood Lane, Ludgershall, HP18 9RB. (not very far from Bicester. Tel:- 01844 237415 You can get maidens and older trees, and if you are looking for a specific strain they will graft it onto whatever rootstock you want, to order. The nursery will be closed to the public now, but they will open by special request if you call them. Good luck.
7 Nov, 2012
I'd Have a look in the local library for a good book on pruning fruit trees, it should show in pictures all that you need to know
6 Nov, 2012