By Titchy
United Kingdom
Where can I buy a climbing rose called Pink Delight, is it still available
7 Nov, 2012
I am searching for this climbing rose for a friend. She has one, had it for many many years. (40 approx) The details are correct. She would love to buy this rose for her daughter in-law who's fallen in love with it. She has taken cuttings but never been lucky with them, layering - no luck either. The scent by the way is just simply wonderful
8 Nov, 2012
I found two references to Pink Delight - the first was a patio rose, one of the miniature types, and it was available for sale. The second was simply about 5 photographs of an obviously climbing rose called Pink Delight. As for anyone selling it, no sign or hint anywhere, sorry.
8 Nov, 2012
Thank you Bamboo and Teegee for your efforts. I found what you found Bamboo but then thought, someone on GoY might know a bit more. Never mind - we've tried.
8 Nov, 2012
They have them at Homebase at present.
16 Feb, 2013
It does indeed exist I've just had one as a present and have been looking for tips for care, and if I can grow in a large trellis container. Google's getting me nowhere!
Also, this is my third rose bush as my sausage dog keeps digging them up (hence the container q so I can keep out the way when needed) any tips for stopping pets ruining plants please?
27 Mar, 2014
Wonderful! It does exist, thank you to both Trevorl and Stan m watt. Can't answer the question about pets ruining Plants as I've only got a canary and a dwarf rabbit which lives indoors, or outdoors in a large hutch/run. I shall ask my friend if she's got any tips for growing her rose Pink Delight as she had hers for around 40 years I don't think they are very fussy.
29 Mar, 2014
I have had a good look around including the RHS plant finder and there does not seem to be such a variety of rose let alone climber.
Are you quite sure about the details you have given us?
7 Nov, 2012