What is the best but easy way to drain my garden?
By Gena
United Kingdom
My garden tends to flood across the middle when it rains. Years ago we dug a deepish drain and put rocks and stone in it and it was great for 10-15 years till my neighbour flaged his garden. Now I would have to do it on my own and wondered if i should dig a drain,though not as deep and put a smaller stone in it. It is a very clayey area.
10 Sep, 2009
If the neighbour has flagged a large area of their garden recently, then I would definitely go to the planning department at your local authority and ask their advice. Regulations did come in last year but have been left up to local authorities to implement them. This was done because of the major flooding a few years ago where it was exhacerbated by lack of drainage due to people laying hard landscaping materials on drives and gardens and the water couldn't drain into the ground. the neighbour may need to apply for retrospective planning permission, or pull the whole lot up!! I would ask your local authority. Failing that, create a bog area, there are lovely and diverse plants for soggy soil, there are many ideas on this site, the plants will thrive and you will have a beautiful positive because of a negative. (and an excuse to buy more plants!!) Hope this helps x
11 Sep, 2009
it sounds as if you have dug a soakaway that has now silted up , the middle of the garden seams to be the lowest point you need to dig another soakaway use big stones agine with smaller stones on top and dig it as deep a you can , it could take a longe time to sort out a neyber out and even if you did would it solve the problem . your soakaway was good but it is not ood enough now, if the run off could reach the water table you would have no problem help it.
11 Sep, 2009
When did your neighbour flag his garden? If it was recently and this is really causing you a problem I'd talk to the council. This is a prime example of what B was saying when Drc726 asked about widening his driveway, it seems like such a little thing to do yet can have a massive effect.
Otherwise I can only think of putting another drain in, if the old one has been there for a while it might simply have got choked up.
11 Sep, 2009