By Windy64
United Kingdom
Hi everybody hope your all well ;) my question is on formosana(toad lily) i have just received 3 bare roots and was wondering if i should plant out now or pot them up in my greenhouse for over winter ? i was thinking of potting them up...but your views i always appreciate so more the merrier ..thanks loads.. p
13 Nov, 2012
Tricyrtis formosana is hardy and personally I would plant them where you want them to grow and label the planting area. Potting them and then planting out next spring is more likely to slow them down.
13 Nov, 2012
When I got mine 3 yrs ago the ground was already frozen, so I potted them up and kept them in the unheated greenhouse.
I planted them out mid spring and they flowered successfully that season.
13 Nov, 2012
I'm with MG, I'd be inclined to plant them (the soil is still warm enough) and mark the spot
13 Nov, 2012
Thanks so much everybody ... ive planted 2 out and potted 1 up, its nice to have that option ..... and yes poppylover i know my greenhouse will be full of pots next year some of which i wont remember (organizing is not my strong point) ..... big thanks once again ;-) p
23 Nov, 2012
Previous question
Hi Windy,
Glad to hear you are still about. Personally speaking I would be inclined to pot them up and label them. It may be just me but I find otherwise I forget where Ive put things and I never get the position of them quite right if I put plants in when theyre dormant. i think they are quite hardy little plants though, good for woodland areas I think. I am looking for some erythronium white beauty at the moment. They look gorgeous little plants for a woodland/shady area. Would look good with your toad lilies too. :-))
13 Nov, 2012