how to plant a cupressus gold crest
By Johnsoilleux
United Kingdom
if i was going to plant the cupressus goldcrest to form a hedge, whats the best time to do it, and how far apart do i plant them so i looks like a real natural fence line? thanks for the answer to my question
15 Nov, 2012
We have just felled our tree which started off as a £2.50 potted tiny tree which was in a hanging basket. Alas it grew to unmanageable proportions and blew sideways in high winds. It was propped up but grew with a kink in it which somewhat spoiled the effect. It was beautiful but had grown to about 10 feet tall and was still going upwards.
15 Nov, 2012
These are very shallow rooted, and liable to be blown sideways in high winds, I had 2 of them at the top of some steps, they were about 8ft high, when I decided to get rid of them, the roots went down no more than about a foot, and the spread was about the same, so not much root at all for the size of the plant, Derek.
18 Nov, 2012
Sorry, forgot to mention that I wouldn't reccommend them for a hedge, because of their conical shape, Derek.
18 Nov, 2012
thanks Derek m
21 Nov, 2012
These tend to grow really tall (well, mine did), but don't seem to spread much sideways. Once they are about 6' tall they are about 18" wide at the widest bit. I would guess planting them about 2' apart might be suitable. Are these container grown? I was given a pair of quite big potted ones for Christmas last year, and planted them out in Spring, once all the snow and ice had gone. They seemed to do well, but we have had had an even hotter, drier summer than usual, and one succumbed quite suddenly. They were planted in fairly shallow, gritty soil over rock, albeit with a load of compost, so maybe they would do better in your garden with a deeper rootrun. I didn't really treat them with the respect they need, but other than that they seem quite robust. As a hedge, you'll have to keep them quite well trimmed. I believe they can get up to about 12 or even 15' high.
15 Nov, 2012