Non flowering rambling roses
By Composto
United Kingdom
Four bare rooted rambling roses were supplied and planted last November but not one has had any buds let alone flowers. What could cause that and what should we do about them? How should they be pruned?
Three of the four have seven leaves to a stem (the other has five) does this mean that they are actually briars or brambles rather than rambling roses?
12 Sep, 2009
some ramblers do have 7 leaves-- all depend on the variety i think, have you trained them , I understand that roses along with some shrubs like their branches bent( think espalier apple tree), its supposed to encourage flowering along the length, if you leave them upright flower only appear at the very top.
i stand to be corrected as its more a case of doasisaynotasido!!
also they may just be settling in and will give a wonderful display next year
12 Sep, 2009