The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Teegee

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Not a question just wanted to add a picture;

Managed to finish my winter digging this morning so more or less ready to get my feet up for the next three months or more as far as the allotment is concerned.

Just got to tidy up my compost heap and clean out the greenhouses and thats it apart from a bit of harvesting when required.

In fact I might leave my greenhouses until spring when I will give them a good wash out and prepare the borders for next season!

The two greenhouse to the right are on a neighbouring plot, and the hut is the community shed!

The nearest bed is two varieties of sprouts, Cabbage Tundra and Savoy Ormskirk.

The next bed is Spring Cabbage, and Garlic which has still to emerge!

My Japanese onions are on the netted section of the top plot!

That is my Leeks on the top bed left in front of the greenhouse!

And all I can say about the 2012 season is;

I had the quality but not the size / quantity so some things are in short supply this winter!

Lets hope 2013 is better, the seeds, composts and fertilsers for next year are all on order, and I expect delivery before the end of the month!

So as I said;- I am ready for hibernating!

This is how my two plots looked when I left at lunch time today;



When are we going to be allowed to use a bit of html?

I wanted to place my picture in the middle of my question where it is more relative!

The management of this site really frustrates me at times!

Come on management; give the users a bit of freedom to add pictures, add quotes use smilies etc as a Christmas present.

Lets make a good site a better site!

15 Nov, 2012


Well done Teegee, I haven`t washed my g`houses either and as you can guess mine are small compared to yours, at the rate I`m going it will be springtime for mine as well, whatever are you going to do for the coming weeks, lol....

15 Nov, 2012


Your plots look wonderful, Teegee - ready for a good sleep!

15 Nov, 2012


I find I can place the picture where I want Teegee by highlighting the photo info and dragging it to where i want it to be within the text, just as I do in the blogs.

I personally dont like the cartoon smilies, but thats personal preference and if they were there I wouldnt use them.

I've sorted the pots in the greenhouse but will clean the glass in the spring. well OH will clean the glass!

15 Nov, 2012


Quote;I find I can place the picture where I want Teegee by highlighting the photo info and dragging it to where i want it to be within the text, just as I do in the blogs.

Reply; Will try that next time if I think on!

Quote; I personally dont like the cartoon smilies, but thats personal preference and if they were there I wouldnt use them.

Reply; I don't usually use smilies either as I sometimes see the laughing' one as laughing at a someone rather than at the situation.

I only put it as anopther 'point / example'

Quote;I've sorted the pots in the greenhouse but will clean the glass in the spring. well OH will clean the glass!

Reply; The main reason I will do it in spring is to remove any bugs that may congreate between now and then.

If I cleaned out now I would feel I have to do it again in Spring!


I have written this reply in this manner to indicate what I mean;

A highlighted 'quote' would look much better than the above!

It would differentiate between the 'comment' and the 'reply'

In the case of numerous questions in the one posting it would ensure what part of the overall question is being replied to!

Quote; But I put it as a 'point' I would have liked to put emphsis on 'point' in 'bold' print!

Similarly the word 'Note'

Or am I just simply being 'pedantic' ( in bold text) ;o))

It would be interesting to know other points of view on this subject, preferably, on a specific thread rather than high-jacking this one!.

Over to you ;.......................

15 Nov, 2012


Try writing a blog next time rather than putting it up as a question. Then you can have as many photos as you want in the exact spot you want them in.

16 Nov, 2012


I did think of that Mg, in fact that is why I have been submitting a few 'blogs' of late'

I agree there is a way over the issue but the point I am really making is; It would be nice if we could use some basic html like those I described as common practice, rather than having to do what you and SBG have so kindly mentioned.

16 Nov, 2012


And a lot of GoY members don't know any html and why should they...

16 Nov, 2012



You have picked me up wrongly when I mention using HTML

If you look at my initial posting I said;

The management of this site really frustrates me at times!
Come on management; give the users a bit of freedom to add pictures, add quotes use smilies etc as a Christmas present.

It was the management I wanted to add a bit of HTML in the form of quote tags,image tags,bold and italic tags and if needs be link tags.

Meaning GOYers could use these after all most other forums use them so I am fairly certain most of the GOYers will know how to use them already!

I hope this clarifies what I mean!...Tg

16 Nov, 2012


Okay Tg I did misunderstand but feel what we have is fine... then I've been part of this site for 4 years. Seen lots of changes in that time - not all of them for the best in my opinion.

17 Nov, 2012

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