My standard Prunus kojo no mai has brown curled leaves
By Paige
Beautiful Bucks near Marlow,
United Kingdom
I bought a standard prunus no mai in the spring which looked fantastic with beautiful blossom and really healthy.
I kept it in its large container for the first couple of months as was told it would happily grow in its large container, how ever the leaves started to curl, crisp and go brown. It began to look awful, so I planted it in the garden, a nice sheltered spot but its still looking the same. I water it and I gave it a general shrub food, but it looks decidedly unhealthy! Any ideas? I don't have a photo to hand at present, but the leaves look dried out, although not all of them (thankfully)
12 Sep, 2009
i agree, its down to the indian summer we are having.
12 Sep, 2009
All deciduous trees start to shed their leaves at this time of year. Prior to doing this they change colour from green to yellow, red or brown. Perfectly normal and natural nothing to worry about.
13 Sep, 2009
Moongrower's right, as is Seaburn, but I'm slightly concerned you're not watering properly, given you had trouble when the plant was in a pot and now that its in the ground - I have a blog called watering for beginners - click on my icon and select it - its short and not too boring (I hope!) and gives guidance on this subject.
13 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your answers, and hopefully its just down to dryness, and will recover. I was just concerned incase it had a disease, or there was some other problem. I'll let you know how it does, and hope I can add some pics of its beautiful bloom in spring :- )
13 Sep, 2009
Better to ask than sit worrying Paige
13 Sep, 2009
If there are a few green leaves still on the tree it may well survive. It may go right on through till next spring and then start afresh, so dont move it again. In my road, already some full grown big trees are losing their leaves because of the drought, but they will start again in the Spring. I hope.
12 Sep, 2009