Why hasn't my agapanthus ever flowered?
By Paige
Beautiful Bucks near Marlow,
United Kingdom
I bought a pot of 3 agapanthus around 6 years ago. I planted them in the garden in a sunny spot, with plenty of compost dug in to get them started, but every year they come up, lovely healthy leaves, and never one flower!
My husband recently looked at a flowering specimen
at the garden centre and commented 'How pretty, we should buy one' I had to point out we had 3 already!
Why won't mine flower?
12 Sep, 2009
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You could try raking in some sulphate of potash around the base of the plants in March/April (or as soon as you can see where they are!) - its a powder and you can buy it at the garden centre or Wilkinsons, etc.
13 Sep, 2009
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they like to be on the dry side and with a contained root run. dont feed it next year and see if being mean does the trick. i know when i repotted one it didnt flower at all that year but it has since.
welocome to GoY too :o)
12 Sep, 2009