What's my fruit tree called ?
By Paul710
United Kingdom
Could some one tell me what my fruit tree's called, i've attached some photo's.
many thanks Paul

14 Sep, 2009
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fruit trees
have you got crabs' crabapples that is I have seen yellow crabs' and the tree look like one
14 Sep, 2009
I'd hazard a guess that it is a malus, crab apple, but a close up pix. would help.
14 Sep, 2009
Are the fruits like apples or small plums? If like apples then the above answeres are likely; if like small plums then nice ripe greengages.
14 Sep, 2009
or even the yellow gage 'Oullins Golden'. Could also be the cherry plum 'Golden Sphere'. Definitely need a close up of the leaf and fruit.
17 Sep, 2009
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difficult to say at the distance as you need to see aleaf/bark/branch to get an idea if its prunus/malus etc---
could be a crabapple golden hornet?
14 Sep, 2009