Raspberries ..... ?
By Nariz
Can any successful raspberry growers advise me as to whether I could grow raspberries here please? I have never seen raspberries around - even in the supermercados - so maybe I would be wasting my time in trying to grow them, but I do love them! My ground is very stony (but we're working on that!); we can have savage Winters and extremely hot Summers, with lots of wet in any season. I would have to get the canes by mail-order from Britain, so a variety specific to my conditions would be best - but I don't know what variety that would be - or anything about conditions preferred by raspberries. If anyone has advice - even along the lines of "don't bother," I would be very grateful.
15 Sep, 2009
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Hi Nariz if I hadn't done some checking I'd have said 'don't bother' but in fact there is a raspberry called Glen Lyon that crops better in Spain than it does in its native Scotland! Do a google search and you will come up with lots of interesting info. Raspberries are wonderful and if told I could have them or strawberries but not both I'd go for the rasps. any day of the week.
You will need a lot of good organic matter for them to sink their feet into, somewhere in full sun (not a problem for you I'm sure and not too windy. Good luck - let us know how the project goes!
15 Sep, 2009
I think containers is the answer for you,in fact as once established they are lickly to take over your garden and be hard to keep in check,I would recomend containers were ever you live, I live a lot further north than Steve and they take the worst of our weather and come up for moor, but I agree there is little to beat them , we enjoy them with home made icecream strate off the bushes.
15 Sep, 2009
I wouldn't advise growing rasps. in containers as the best way I know of growing them is in a line between wires, with stakes at either end, so that you can tie them in to keep them upright. The new canes do come up slightly in front, or behind, the old ones but it is a good few years before the stakes and wires need to be moved.
Nariz remember to cut the top out of the new growing canes once they are around a metre and a half otherwise they will just keep growing :-)
15 Sep, 2009
well Moon grower, they may behave themselfs in Scotland, I would say shorter summers than north east Wales, except were you have palm trees growing on the west coast, but my first rasps came from under next doors fence and he never planted them ,aperantly they came from higher up the road, and he had tryed to get rid of them. I grow mine in a large container up a wigwam of canes, in a mix of three parts compas and one part soil with h/m placed on two inch limestone for good humas and drainage .up to now I have had wonderfull yeald.
15 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your wonderful help (isn't this site great!!) and I shall go ahead and order some canes. I have a long stone wall that soaks up the sun's heat so I will grow them against that.
15 Sep, 2009
Great, hope it works for your Nariz.
Cliffo I suspect what you had invade your garden was wild raspberries they do tend to try to take over. Though our summers are a little shorter than your we have more day light in summer so I guess it all balances out. The palm trees on the west coast are to do with the gulf stream.
15 Sep, 2009
yes I know, about the gulf stream I am a sea angler and have been to Scotland menny times, lock longe ect' you are proberly right about the wild plants ,if you are I recomend the wild ones, cheers cliff o
15 Sep, 2009
But would they grow in Spain? We had wild rasps. near where we lived 30 years ago which were golden yellow when ripe and seemed even sweeter than the red ones - would I had taken a cane or two...
15 Sep, 2009
my experance of rasps and meny other plants is that they are harder than we think and we loose more to what I call overcair than by neglect' trying to get bigger and better' a happy meadium suits them best, but I know what you mean about the wild rasps Moon grower,if only you could tame them,but there is a case for a little neglect'' all I can say is try, they are worth taking a chanch.
16 Sep, 2009
Ah well the area where they grew is probably under housing now... even if it isn't I could pin point exactly where they were - thinking back it is more like 36 years ago!
16 Sep, 2009
Moon grower, and the taste stayed with you all this time, that is what I call RASPBERRIES''
16 Sep, 2009
Yup, they were very special
16 Sep, 2009
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nariz, i grow autumn bliss , which as the name suggests , is a late variety.i live in the south of england , and had a good crop ( still going ) since july .our raspberries grow in free draining soil , when i planted them , i dug in lots of compost to help keep moisture in , and they are very successful.they also fruit on new wood, which means in feb you cut all old growth down to a few inches and wait for new growth . if you order canes, they will send out to you in spring , you may not get any fruit 1st year though....................steve
15 Sep, 2009